Arkansas Group Submits Signatures for Radical Pro-Abortion Amendment

State   |   Jerry Cox   |   Jul 8, 2024   |   4:07PM   |   Little Rock, Arkansas

On Friday the group backing an abortion amendment in Arkansas submitted 101,525 petition signatures to place their measure on the November ballot.

The Arkansas Secretary of State will count and verify the signatures to ensure at least 91,704 of them came from registered voters before certifying the measure for the ballot.

Arkansans for Limited Government is the organization backing the abortion amendment. According to public documents, the group spent tens of thousands of dollars paying more than 150 petition canvassers to collect signatures across the state. However, pro-life volunteers have been active in communities all over Arkansas as well.

If passed, the Arkansas Abortion Amendment would prevent the State of Arkansas from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — which is more extreme than Roe v. Wade, and would allow thousands of elective abortions on healthy women and unborn children every year.

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The amendment does not contain any medical licensing or health and safety standards for abortion, and it does not require abortions to be performed by a physician or in a licensed medical facility.

It automatically nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment, jeopardizing basic abortion regulations — like parental-consent and informed-consent requirements that both sides of the aisle have supported in the past.

The measure contains sweeping exceptions that would permit abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in many cases.

The amendment also would pave the way for publicly funded abortion in Arkansas by changing Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution that currently prohibits taxpayer funded abortion in the state.

Pro-lifers were present at the capitol on Friday when the abortion amendment campaign submitted its petitions.

Several groups are actively working against the abortion amendment as well, including:

  • Arkansas Right to Life
  • Family Council Action Committee
  • Choose Life Arkansas
  • NWA Coalition for Life
  • The Arkansas Committee For Ethics Policy
  • The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
  • Saline Decline to Sign
  • Stronger Arkansas
  • Stop Abortion On Demand
  • Students for Life of America

LifeNews Note: Jerry Cox is the president of the Arkansas Family Council.