Democrat Platform Claims Democrats Value “Worth of Every Innocent Life,” But They Promote Abortions Up to Birth

National   |   Ben Johnson   |   Aug 16, 2024   |   1:05PM   |   Washington, DC

A recently released official party document reveals that the Democratic Party intends to claim the Biden-Harris administration respects the value of all “innocent life” and stokes outrage that the next Republican president could shut down the national abortion pill business “by enforcing a law” that’s already on the books — implicitly conceding the Biden-Harris administration is breaking the law to promote abortion.

The Democratic Party will adopt its formal platform at next week’s convention, but the Democratic National Convention released the draft 2024 Democratic Party platform last month.

The full document contains one of the most Orwellian formulations ever written: “President Biden and Vice President Harris recognize the worth of every innocent life.” The phrase comes in the context of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, referring to its desire to avoid non-combatant casualties. It could scarcely be less reflective of an administration that has moved Heaven and Earth to promote, protect, and defend the abortion industry.

Even before the landmark 2022 Dobbs decision, the administration named a lightly-qualified justice to the Supreme Court on the basis of her views on abortion and her demographic characteristics. Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the Biden-Harris administration has done all it can to allow the ongoing destruction of the most innocent life, life in the womb. The Biden-Harris administration has aggressively sued pro-life states all the way to the Supreme Court to overturn democratically adopted protections for the unborn, appointed a Reproductive Rights Task Force, turned neighborhood drugstores into abortion facilities by allowing them to distribute the abortion pill mifepristone, allowed mothers in the armed services taxpayer-funded leave to travel for an abortion, compelled taxpayers to fund abortions for veterans and to underwrite pro-abortion organizations overseas, lobbied for international organizations to consider abortion an unalienable human right, and advised the abortion industry to mail the abortion pill mifepristone despite the fact that doing do violates federal law.

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Indeed, that federal law comes up is the second-most head-turning phrase in the document. The draft 2024 Democratic Party platform expressed its outrage that President Donald “Trump will ban abortion nationwide. And his allies plan to ban medication abortion nationwide, without Congress or the courts, by enforcing a law.”

Enforcing the law is the duty of the executive branch, one this administration blithely ignores, then lawlessly justifies. This party platform tacitly admits all the administration’s memos are empty posturing aimed at advancing a cause their authors know is illegal.

The law in question is the Comstock Act, which bars the U.S. postal system from delivering “any article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing may, or can, be used or applied for producing abortion.” Such materials constitute “nonmailable matter” that “shall not be conveyed in the mails or delivered from any post office or by any letter carrier.” The Biden-Harris administration’s Office of Legal (under the Justice Department) issued a dubious legal assurance that the law does not apply if “the sender lacks the intent that the recipient of the drugs will use them unlawfully.” Like King Herod’s decree, the memo came out near Christmastime 2022. The Biden-Harris-Deep State administration has often couched its support for distributing the abortion pill in its alleged concern for maternal health, proving the Democratic draft platform isn’t the first time the Biden-Harris administration has advanced the bloodthirsty interests of its megadonors under the guise of protecting innocent life.

Critics invariably point out the law was adopted in 1873. (Wait until they find out how old the Ten Commandments are!) Presumably, they do so because it is easier than noting when the law was repealed. For at least 27 years, Democrats have tried and failed to repeal the act’s language about abortion, which remains on the books.

Six liberal states have passed laws exempting abortionists who illegally send the chemical abortion cocktail of mifepristone and misoprostol to states from the legal consequences of their actions — laws the abortion industry calls “shield laws.” These have claimed tens of thousands of lives in pro-life states. The 2024 Democratic platform, at least in its current iteration, shows the entire house of cards could come crashing down with one president willing to enforce the law.

Pro-life advocates and constitutionalists have long said the entire abortion industry could come to an end if politicians respected the language of another law: the 14th Amendment. The post-Civil War amendment, aimed at curtailing slavery, says that no one shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” (The 5th Amendment also states no person may be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”) Science proves that life begins at conception. All one needs to do is “follow the science,” as former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee promised to do in his 2016 presidential campaign.

These will have to suffice until the human race comes to obey the highest law: the law of love, embodied in the perfect law of liberty, written by the Author of Life to give everlasting life to all His children.

LifeNews Note: Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.